What We Face With ACA

I wanted to send out a few videos and share a little of my feelings on what the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is doing or will do for our great country. I want to make a statement that I do not see insurance prices dropping as it was once promised to us. I do not mathematically see it working out in any way what so ever. I just know that working in the health care market, I work to give you as much stability as possible in this unstable market. Plus, you can call me, on my personal cell phone, sit across a table from me and talk to me; that wont happen working through the Health Care Reform Exchanges. If you do talk with someone face to face (a Navigator as they are called), it will be a one and done, never to see them again where as I am still here, just a phone call away.

This first video touches a bit on the reason why we as a country were at one time excited to have the ACA and now are scared to death of what might be. “Lower premiums by $2500 per family” was an original selling point from Obama. Were we lied to?

You saw a bit about the promises not being carried through in the last video and this one touches more one who is going to be hit the hardest. Sad to see this turning out this way. Thank you Sen. John Barrasso for doing the research and allowing this video. Great info on the impact we have had and will have.

Now to have a quick look into what we are really looking at for our future in the health care system. Who really is the primary concern here, the American people? I think not! “What Government-Run Health Care Really Means” is put up on the video and think she explains it well. Some of her words make me scared of what Health Care will be like, very eye opening!!!!

Here is a short list of a few companies that have already dropped or are going to be dropping health care for employees or cutting hours so they don’t have to provide healthcare. Trader Joe’s is the most recent to make the public announcement, other are Subway, UPS, Forever 21, Sea World, Walmart, Regal Entertainment, IBM (cutting insurance for retired) and many more as the list goes on and will continue to grow. Here is a good article talking in depth about this particular issue.

I hope you have got something out of these videos and the article I have posted here. I know one place that is taking a stand to work hard and fight to keep great health care for a great price. Click the US Health Advisors (Awards just received: Stevie Award, Most Innovative) link on the left and let’s talk about your options.

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